Monday, July 11, 2011

How To Increase Stamina

Stamina is the resilient power of the body to sustain its composure against the abrasion of the physical world which can be of work, sports or some other physical activity. Generally speaking the level of stamina varies from person to person. It also depends on the state of the body i.e. age, sex and conditions like injuries of the body. But after all has been said the fact remains that it can be increased by constant and deliberate efforts.

Lack to stamina causes general problems like fatigue and lethargy due to which we feel boredom, our efficiency of work decreases and we become prone to diseases. Hence we can conclude that the very essence of a vital and prolonged life is the improved level of stamina.

By following these simple procedures we can improve our stamina.

Weight training:- This training method is one of the most used method for improving stamina. It is done under the guidance of a trainer. In this method weights are used which are increased slowly and steadily. By this method muscles get toned up and are more strongly built.
Running briskly :- This is another method which is used commonly to improve the stamina. In this method you can go out for jogging in the morning for a distance every day and after few days you increase your speed for covering the distance and after certain days you can further increase the speed as well as the distance. This improves the stamina of the body.

Increasing the duration of exercises :- Stamina can also be increased by increasing the duration of every exercise we indulge into, slowly but surely it will improve the stamina.
Swimming:- It is one of the most prominent method of improving the stamina of the body. By swimming each and every muscle of the body gets exercised and gets toned up and if continued with increase in duration of swimming will surely improve the stamina tremendously.
Trekking :- Trekking also helps in improving the stamina as it requires lots of energy and power. Trekking is also beneficial for improving the agility and balance of the body. It also exercises a number of muscles in the body which get strongly built. So if you can find a trekking place near by, you should go for trekking on a regular basis.
Yoga :- in modern day?s yoga is becoming popular day by day for staying fit and improving stamina. In yoga there are certain Aasans which help in exercising muscles, organs and improving stamina.

So you can improve the stamina with conscious efforts by these simple tips and procedures but you always remember never to over do these exercises .Keep doing them till you feel comfortable and then you can stop for rest.