Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hair saving secrets

If you are afraid of loosing hair- find out what might be wrong and what to do to stop curb this problem.

The shock comes when you find your shower drain clogged with hair or your pillow covered with loose hairs.

It's hard to believe as no-one wants to face such a situation. Although hair loss is not generally associated with women, it's a significant, serious, and widespread female health problem.

It causes embarrassment, frustration, depression, anxiety, poor self-esteem and even marriage problems. It can make you feel older and self-conscious, too, plus you tend to worry excessively and fall in stress regarding your hair loss. If your once-thick hair is falling out in clumps, or if you've got bald patches on

your scalp, you're not alone. More than 20 million women in the United States alone (40 percent of them under age forty) are suffering from hair loss.
You can definitely do something about it. There are more options available than ever before to prevent and treat hair loss. A vast number of prescription medications have been scientifically shown to slow down, even reverse, hair loss.
Hair loss is a topic which some individuals may be hesitant to talk about freely. Hair loss is a common occurrence for many.As there may be no set solution for hair loss due to genetics, there are some hair saving secrets which many will find valuable for other types of hair loss

What's more, huge advances have been made in surgical procedures. Hair transplantation and scalp reduction have become popular to help restore your hair to its former crowning glory.

Hair Saving Secrets:
Find out why you may be losing your hair and learn what to do about it: Analyze if your hair loss could be due to:

* Genetics
* Stress
* Pregnancy tissues.
* Hair-pulling
* Alopecia areata
* Drugs or supplements
* Aging
* Disease
* Cosmetic Treatments

If you notice unusual or sudden hair loss, see your doctor (preferably a dermatologist) as soon as you can. Hair loss and thinning can lead to fear, anxiety, and depression -- all of which can seriously affect physical health. Proper treatment can help reverse hair loss and can erase much of the psychological discomfort you are experiencing.You can help your doctor or dermatologist arrive at a more accurate diagnosis.

Your hair is falling and you do not know why. The reason could be fairly simple as an iron deficiency or as complex as a hormonal problem. Understanding the possible causes, and identifying them early, can help you seek the right treatment. It can potentially alter the course of your hair loss and save your hair from further shedding.

Androgenetic Alopecia (Hereditary Hair Loss)
The most common cause of hair loss is rooted in your genes and that is true. Known technically as androgenetic alopecia, hereditary hair loss can begin any time after puberty, but usually sets in before the age of forty and may accelerate around the time you reach menopause. There is nothing much to worry about ion such situations.

Telogen Effluvium
The second most common form of hair loss is telogen effluvium. It is usually triggered by severe physical or emotional stress, but also by other causes. Together, telogen effluvium and androgenetic alopecia account for about 95 percent of all hair-loss cases.

A fairly common cause of hair loss is trichotillomania, or hair-pulling. Unlike androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, or other types of hair loss, trichotillomania is not a medical problem but it is a psychological disorder.