Sunday, June 12, 2011

Seven Myths of Weight Loss Diet Program

There are too many information about weight loss available on internet, but unfortunately, not all of them are true here we list some of the myths around weight loss diet program

Better diet by stricter the weight loss program
The stricter a diet weight loss program will completely eliminate the entire food groups; by eating just one food like cabbage soup means the less effective it will be in the end. You will get tired of the allowed food, when you already feel really deprived, you’re likely to call it quits altogether.

By cut the calories drastically, will lose weight faster
Actually you will send your body into “starvation mode” when you take your caloric intake down too low. One thing you should know is that when you are starving, your body will maintain your weight, therefore, the metabolism of your body will slow down and unfortunately you may not lose weight
Eating late at night is good to lose weight.
It doesn’t really matter when you eat, your body keep turns any extra calories into fat whether you’re eating in the morning or at midnight, all things considered.
But eating a light snack like cheese and crackers before bed will be a good idea to help your better sleep.

I should get rid of my favorite less-than-healthful foods.
Treating yourself to your old favorites now and again will make you stay motivated and less likely to give in to a binge. Make sure that you get back on track after your treat. The moderation is always key to successful for a long-term weight loss.

Being fat is BAD.
Actually, body needs to include some fat on any diet program. We absolutely need it, as it makes dishes more satisfying and palatable. Some fats like omega-3 fatty acids are even good for you, which are found predominantly in fish and shellfish.

Skipping meals will help me lose weight.
The fact is, skipping meals may actually cause you to gain weight! The body metabolism plummets and you will get over-hungry. You will be under-shooting your daily calorie requirement and will pacifier on you. That’s why eating breakfast, the meal we skip most, can actually help us lose weight.

By drinking a lot of water can help me lose weight.
Drinking water in and of itself will not lead to weight loss. Water is key to a healthy lifestyle and drinking enough has tons of benefits itself, but when people lose weight due to drinking water, it’s most likely because they’re substituting if for high-calorie juices and sodas.